The Multifaceted Art Form of Landscape Design
Left to its own devices, the outside area around your home can become a pretty wild place. If not correctly tamed, Nature seems to do its best to make humans suffer for their encroachment. However, in the hands of a skilled craftsman who knows how to blend elements of horticulture, decorating and construction, the natural world seems willing to cooperate and help create a wonderful world of aesthetic pleasure for you to enjoy. Who is this brilliant architect with the ability to combine the best nature has to offer with pleasing human-made order and comfort? The landscape designer is the skillful engineer who must learn to meld these two conflicting worlds aptly.
To work their particular brand of magic, an expert in the field of landscaping must usually have the ability to visualize possibilities. Like a sculptor staring at a block of granite and seeing a beautiful creation, the landscaper should look at an unimpressive yard and see the potential for an awe-inspiring environment. Pulling together the right mix of elements from the natural world and mixing them with building projects that fit together to produce the desired ambiance of the living space takes planning and work. The landscape designer must somehow develop the ability to piece it all together.
Once the designer completes the predominately cerebral task of conceptualizing the final product, the hard physical labor of making it a reality can begin. Planting gardens of flowers and herbs, hauling dirt, building decks or patios and mixing mortar for various masonry projects might line out a typical day for one of these amazingly versatile professionals. On large projects where help is required, the landscaper may don the hat of supervisor and ensure that instructions are understood fully and carried out correctly by the workers.
A landscape designer usually has to do all of these tasks and have the ability to communicate the vision of the final results to the customer. Landscape design must genuinely be one of the most exciting and rewarding professions in existence.